FAQs for New Registration Process
How do I log in?
The office has input all registrars into the system using their email on file. If the registrar has changed since last year or the email being used has changed, please let the office know ASAP to update our records. To log in, simply click forgot password and use the email we have on file to reset your account and log in.
I think I have everything squared away on GotSoccer... how do I submit to the office?
Once you have created your event roster in either EDP rosters or CDYSL rosters and you believe you are all set (has a coach, all have photos and birth certificates) fill out a registration worksheet and submit it and payment to the office (we will be accepting virtual and physical worksheets) Please fill out one worksheet per team so the office is able to locate the correct team and match the paperwork. These worksheets will serve as your place in line in the queue. You no longer need to submit an unapproved copy of the roster or pass printouts as the system will not allow it until the roster has been approved.
Last year I could submit work to the office without uploading a picture and just add it later. Can I do that with this system?
No. Because of the order GotSport orders the approval process, the photo must be approved before the individual can be approved for the roster.
Why do I have to upload a birth certificate for my players? I didn't have to last year.
With the change to GotSport, ENYYSA has made it a requirement that any player added to a roster must have been birth date verified. We can use a birth certificate, passport or government issued ID that has a birth date on it to verify. We should only ever have to do this once on the account.
How is the photo roster/ passes going to work this year?
This year we will be trying out photo rosters only for CDYSL league play instead of passes. To that end we will only be printing approved passes where input on the registration worksheet. We also intend to test out the ability for the clubs to print their own rosters instead of coming to the office to pick them up. Once that change occures if you would still like the office to print out a copy of the rosters for you and place in the pick up box, please indicate on the registration worksheet.
I want to pay for something with a credit card if available. How do I do that?
As of 9/4/2020, we do not yet have credit card payments available for registrations or any other item that may be due. When we enable it, it will come in two layers: GotSport will handle registration credit card payments and our website will handle any other payments. One may come before the other but we will update it here.
My coach already has the SafeSport Abuse Prevention Training, but it isn't showing up in GotSport? What do I do?
How long is a background check good for?
It depends. US Soccer changed its requirements and passed them down through ENYYSA to CDYSL that background checks must be done once a year. From what we can tell, this will begin once your background check has expired. If your background check expires August 2020, your next background check will be good for 1 year. If your background check expires August 2021, it will still expire at that time, but the new background check will be good for 1 year.
I took my background check last year and it said it expires in August 2021. How does that information transfer from SI Play to GotSport?
GotSport will not automatically recognize this information. Once you have an account in the system it may still prompt for a background check. Please be patient as ENY has to go in and verify in batches each individual's previous background checks. This should only need to be done once and in the future all background checks should be done through the GotSport system to show as active.
My background check should still be active, but it is not showing in GotSport. Should I click more info and take it again?
If it should still be active, please do not take it again. That will prompt a new background check and will not retreive your old one. Please be patient as ENY works with GotSport to verify background checks. For right now we think we are able to confirm if a background check has been completed by checking our old SI Play account.
Will background checks, safe sport training (sexual abuse awareness training), concussion training, and licensing come through on the coach's profile in GotSport in the future?
Yes and no. It should be similar to SI Play where background checks and concussion training should automatically come through on our end. Licensing will likely be the same process as previous where the license will have to either be sent to the office or uploaded in the system in order to be applied.
It is saying I need an access code for taking the SafeSport Course. Where do I get this access code?
When the coach goes into their account and clicks on "More Info" next to safe sport, it should pop up with a safe sport status page. It will have buttons that say "Start Course" and "Check Records". If they are not in the records, there should be an access code at the top of the page under status. They will need to copy that access code before clicking start course. The next page is the one that asks for an access code.
I have a 17 year old who would like to coach. Is that possible?
All coaches and assistant coaches must be 18 or older in order to be placed on the roster. However under 18 year olds are allowed to be listed as managers.
I saw 18 year old players need to take background checks. Is that true?
Yes if they are on a roster with any players under 18 years old. If there is even one 17 year old on a roster of otherwise 18 year olds, all the 18 year olds must take the background check and do the SafeSport Abuse Training to meet the new guidelines.