NY State AED Requirement

NY State AED Requirement

New York State Public Health Law (PHL) Section 3000-F requires all regulated children’s camps and youth sports programs to provide an automated external defibrillator (AED) or describe reasonable access to an AED at the camp. Additionally, the legislation requires each camp to:

  • Have one or more staff possessing an acceptable certificate of training in the operation and use of an AED approved by an approved by a nationally recognized organization or the state emergency medical services council; and
  • Have an implementation plan that identifies the location and/or availability of the AED and protocols for the use of the AED during cardiac emergencies. If the AED is provided by the camp or youth sports program, the plan shall also include an equipment checklist.

**The effective date of the legislation is May 21, 2024.


AED Guidance Resources:

Funding/Grants for AEDs

Creating Plans



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19 Aviation Road, Suite 9
Albany, NY 12205

(518) 435-2325
